Daniel Murnane ✍️

I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. I am funded by the Danish Data Science Academy, pursuing a research programme focused on “Physics Language Models” - a new paradigm for understanding and generating high energy physics behaviour with geometric machine learning.

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  1. DDSA Postdoctoral Fellow

    Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
  2. Research Affiliate

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  3. Machine Learning Co-convener

    ATLAS Collaboration
  4. Postdoctoral Researcher

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


  1. PhD Particle and Astrophysics

    University of Adelaide
    PhD Thesis titled The Landscape of Composite Higgs Models . Supervised by Prof Anthony G Williams and Prof Martin White.
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  2. BSci in High Performance Computational Physics, with First Class Honors

    University of Adelaide
    Honors Thesis titled What’s the Matter: Supersymmetric Dark Matter Searches with CMS Data. Supervised by Prof Anthony G Williams and Prof Martin White.

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